dimanche 15 juillet 2007

More lifting

Another scortching hot day (35 ish) with a hot gusty wind. Got up early and cleared the inside of the barn in the cool of morning. I worked out I could lift the two huge beams for the roof single-handed if I used the crane I built last winter and could get the pulleys to work. Up to now I 've hardly used it because there's so much friction that it's next to useless. It came pre-equipped with a nasty polyproplene rope which twists the bundle of ropes between the pulleys into a tight helix. Closer inspection also revealed that the rope was too big a diameter for the pulleys - more friction. After some thought I fetched my climbing rope some slings and jumars.
The crane was re-equipped and voila a magnificent crane was born. Moving the beams to the base of the wall was the hardest task but the bits and pieces I used for moving the Rayburn came in handy. By lunchtime I had both the beams resting on the wall. By 4.30 when help returned, one of these was already atop the wall. With John, Patrick and Camille we made quick work of the remaining beam and were able to position them ready for lifting the two beams below. These were carried into the barn and tomorrow I should be able to lift them into place. The roof beams still need to go up another metre or so on to the studwork gable walls (which are already built and awaiting placement). Not altogether sure how to do this yet, but I think once the floor is in it'll be easier.
My hands are black with the tanin from chopping the beam joints yesterday and a bit sore but the end of the heavy lifting is nearly in sight.

2 commentaires :

Anonyme a dit…

Hi Lee,

If you need my help, I would be happy to come over and help. I can probably spare a week towards the end of July (Eva’s mom will be around our place at that time).
I should have offered help before. However, as it was very busy at work, I have not checked your blog for some time and did not know what you are up to.
You nutcase, I hope that you will remain in one piece and with a good back when the burn is finished.


Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour Lee,
je suis époustouflée... comment est-ce possible ? tu as redressé des murs qui menaçaient de tomber et tu vas transformer cette vielle batisse en une superbe petite maison ! décidément tu n'es vraiment pas quelqu'un d'ordinaire... je t'encourage en pensée Lee,
A bientôt