dimanche 20 avril 2008


Yesterday was the Diner de Paques in Aleu - Easter may be long gone but it's the 'Easter holidays' for the school children - not that there were many at the dinner. It was useful to meet some more new people who have homes (mostly second) in the village. The lunch was a 3 1/2 hr alfresco affair with l'apero, mussels, salad, saucisses, cheese and a dessert omelette plus plenty of wine! 'One for the road' at Pauls ensured that after the walk home I felt slightly hungover.

Today it has rained heavily nearly all day. I scythed field no 4 early this morning then stripped, sanded and painted the first floor shutters from Pont de la Taule later in the day. The rest of the day I've been 'cabin' bound. I baked a walnut and cinnamon cake in the afternoon, it was a new recipe and is a bit too sweet even for me.

The new hen has at last been accepted by the cockerell but the other hens still chase her away. It's been two weeks now. I think I may have to cram them all into a tiny cage for a day and let them fight it out - at the moment, without all the birds keeping close together, letting them out is a liabilty.

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