mercredi 14 avril 2010

Another lambing disaster

This morning Jean-Jeanie was acting very strange, a sure sign that her lamb was on the way. I watched her all day and everything was "text-book". At about 5pm her waters broke and the contractions came quicker and quicker. Two hours later still no sign of the lamb and things started to slow down. At three hours I called the vet - something was obviously wrong. The vet arrived and after an hour of heave-ho in the barn he finally managed to get the (dead) lamb out. He reckoned that the lamb died yesterday and that Jean-Jeanie has a very narrow birth canal (he wondered if she could ever give birth) and so isn't worth keeping for reproduction.

I'm hoping the remaining 4 ewes have an easier time of it!

Ce matin, Jean-Jeanie a agi très étrange, un signe certain que son agneau va arriver. Je l'ai regardée toute la journée et tout était "au norm". Vers 17 heures rompu ses eaux et les contractions se plus en plus vite. Deux heures plus tard, toujours aucun signe de l'agneau et les choses ont commencé à ralentir. Apres trois heures, j'ai appelé le vétérinaire - a été quelque chose de manifestement erronée. Le vétérinaire est arrivé et après une heure de soulèvement dans ma grange, il a finalement réussi à sortir la (morts) d'agneau. Il comptait que l'agneau est mort hier et que Jean-Jeanie a un basin très étroit (il se demande si elle ne pourrait jamais donner naissance) et n'est donc pas utile de garder pour la reproduction.

J'espère que les 4 autres brebis ont un temp plus facile de lui!

6 commentaires :

Andy a dit…
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Andy a dit…

I'm sorry to hear that.
Guess there's no way to know this before hand.

I apologise if this is not did the Vet take care of the body of the deceased baby lamb? Or do you have to do that?

Lee Sharp a dit…
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Lee Sharp a dit…

It goes in a black sack and I bin it. I could bury it but it gets dug up pretty quickly by wild animals in my experience and whilst I could give it to a neighbour's dog I don't want it getting a taste for lamb!

Anne a dit…

Quel dommage. Croisons les doigts pour les suivants...

Andy a dit…

Shame...would have paid good money for the body to add to my collection of jars of preserved baby animals.

Kidding :)

Just want to know the full extend of living at the countryside and hopefully learn something from your experience. Would never have considered about the wild animals and building the neighbour's dog's appetite! Wonder how I would react in such a situation...