lundi 12 novembre 2018

Tuc de la Serbe, sommet de Peyre Blanc from Col de la Core

A little tour from Col de la Core with Sheri.Unsure of conditions we were carrying crampons, an ice axe and snowshoes, none of which we ended up using. The snow was firm in the morning but by afternoon we were post-holing up to our knees sometimes. 

The Etang dèEychelle was still mostly frozen despite the balmy weather and south winds. Scars from people throwing stones in probably, had frozen over to make some strange patterns. We had lunch at the cabin before climbing westwards to make the ridge close to point 2256m.

From there we followed the ridge northwards over the succession of easy tops ending with Tuc de la Seube, finally descending to Col Auèdole and then following GR10 to regain our path of ascent from Col de la Core. Only about 1100m of ascent but a surprisingly tiring day!

Tuc de la Messe (left) and the ridge of peaks between Col de la Crouzette and Tuc de Seube (right)

The autumn colours in the valleys

Looking West

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