mercredi 29 mars 2023


 It's that time of year again....yummy

dimanche 19 mars 2023

After a bout of COVID/flu, food poisoning and increased signs I may have rheumatoid arthritis attacking my Cartlidge and ligaments, my 55th year hasn't got off to great start....oh well things can only get better!
Garden mulched for another year - leaf litter and straw
First morels on their way...another 2-3 weeks and they'll be ready.

dimanche 12 mars 2023


Rain and warm temperatures (22 in the shade today) have stripped the snow on the mountains and ended the ski touring, probably for the year. The frogs in the pond are loving it. Susie and I are starting on the garden preparations.


samedi 11 mars 2023

Latest weave off the loom.

Susie has also been busy with her knitted creations


samedi 4 mars 2023

Ski practise

After watching some footage of my skiing on the last ski tour, I realised too much ski touring and no practise has lead to an awfully large decay in my technique....I ski like an old armchair! So today I spent 3000m of vertical descent at Guzet ski station practising and remembering how to ski. Time well spent.

Another project on the loom, which promises to be very three dimensional. A combination of pleats and origami if everything works. The mix of linen, silk and stainless steel, cotton and high twist wool could be problematic.