mardi 10 mars 2009

Tuc de la Coume

From My Videos

Clear skies last night gave a frost so Ian and I took advantage and made an early-ish start to climb Tuc de la Coume a modest mountain (1745m) nestled between Ercé and Le Port. Things got off to a bad start when I realised that I'd left my ski poles behind. A couple of branches had to suffice for the rest of the day (unfortunately they weren't the same length and one of them snapped on the descent). The snow was iron hard and Ian took a fall on the way up...he put on his ski crampons and I changed to carrying the skis and wearing regular crampons on my ski boots as I don't have ski crampons for the new skis yet. The views were stunning and the sun shining. The descent was pleasant, though it got a bit scrappy lower down where we had to 'route-find' to find continuous snow. Click on the image above to watch a short movie of the day.

Les eclaircies nuit dernier, donc Ian et moi avons profité de la regel nocturne avec l'ascension de Tuc de la Coume (1745m), un petit montagne entre Ercé et Le Port. D'abord j'ai oublié mes batôns - j'ai reussi avec deux branches (malheuresment pas la même longeur et une casser sur la descente). La neige etais comme béton et Ian est tombé sur l'ascension. Après il a porté ses couteaux et moi mes crampons (skis sur mon sac a dos). Le beau temps et la bellevue. La descent etais pleasant, mais on a cherché une route avec neige en bas. Cliquer sur l'image au dessus de voir un court film.

4 commentaires :

Anonyme a dit…

loving the breaking of the stick on the descente!


snow looked alright but thinner than i thought it may be

Lee Sharp a dit…

South west face of a pretty modest peak, only 900m higher than my house. Crest had been blown clear of snow by wind and the second part of the descent on the film was right at the end of the route at about 1200m. We still have nearly 3m of snow at 2000m.

Anonyme a dit…

Superbe !

Anonyme a dit…

love the sticks - you won't want to use anything else now that you been spoilt with the rustic quality