Snow over the last couple of days hatched a plan for ski up Mont Ceint/Pic de Girantes. Only Paula was available at short notice so just the two of us headed up from the Etang de Lers. Low cloud and cold temperatures forced a retreat from the col at 1830m. The snow was so good we skinned back up for a second descent before heading for home.
mardi 28 février 2023
vendredi 24 février 2023
and now snowy
dimanche 19 février 2023
dimanche 5 février 2023
Ski tour Tuc des Hemmes
I decided it would probably be OK so joined them early the following morning. -5 degrees in the valley and we set off through the forest on an icy hard frozen (but snowy) track.
Eventually we left the forest behind and made it onto the mountainside. the snow was variable - sometimes powdery, often hard and sometimes with a breakable crust. I hoped it would improve. When Paul and I did the peak we climbed on the other side of the river too early and ended up on some sketchy terrain. This time we attempted to follow the classic route but still missed the lake. As the snow cover was very poor on the side of the valley leading to our objective we looked for another.
To our left was the rock pyramid of Tuc des Hemmes and on it's right was a steep snow slope that looked inviting! Constantly in shade we hoped the snow would be still powdery.