dimanche 2 juillet 2023

Sommet de Bizourtouse 2001m

Poor weather (wet, cloudy or stormy) has predominated this summer so we haven't got out into the hills much at all. Sheri has a broken toe which is starting to heal, so today we looked for a shortish walk (10km and 700m height gain) in a location we hadn't been to. Port de Saleix is col that features on many of our regular hikes, but we've never ventured beyond it to the east where there is some interesting karst scenery.

Looking East from the Port de Saleix

Descending from the Port de Saleix

From the col we descended beneath some large limstone towers before rising into a hidden cirque to the east ot Girantes.

Limestone towers defending the cirque

A rising path eventually reaches a col with views to the Port de Lhers and Etange d'Arbu and on a day without low cloud Pic des Trois Seigneurs. From here a steep muddy path climbs to the rather flat and featureless top of Sommet de Bizourtouse. On a clearer day there would be good views towards Pic Rouge de Bassies.

The col with Pic des Trois Seigneurs in the cloud

East side of Girantes - the ridge on the right would make an interesting way to the summit 




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