mardi 10 novembre 2009

Col de Pause (ski)

A brief break in the weather, so thought I'd get a quick ski tour in to look at the 1m 40 cm of snow that has fallen at the Port d'Aula automatic weather station. The road was impassable at about 1180m so skied from there. Headed towards Cour Vic but the weather closed in when I reached about 2000m so headed for home....where it was snowing too. Very changeable snow conditions and bit heavy below 1500m. Video below (click on image), sorry about poor film quality for the descent, horrible flat light and snow storm.

Un petit créneau météo, donc j'ai décidé de faire un court ski-tour d'aller voir le 1m 40 de la neige qui tombait au Le Port d'Aula. La route au Col de Pause est fermée a 1180m (avalanche un peu plus loin) donc je suis parti de là skis aux pieds. Je suis monté au direction de Pic de Cour Vic mais les mauvaise temps sont arrivé à 2000m donc je suis descendu...ou il neige aussi. La neige un peu lourd en dessous 1500m mais mieux au dessus. Movie ci-dessous, je suis désolée que la qualité d'image est un peu pauvre en descent, la lumière pauvre et les averses de la neige.

3 commentaires :

mtnbiker404 a dit…

Nice video. The scenery is always impressive. Haven't heard that song (Tour de France) in a long time. Good choice.

Have a good day ~

DY a dit…

very jealous, snow looks good. should be a good winter down there. btw have you seen the new GoPro HD, just realeased, looks wicked. cheers. DY

Alun a dit…

Hi Lee
Got to give you 10/10 for that one. Been following snow conditions too but not back in Chamonix until the begining of December. Passing a link to your blog onto freinds over in UK who have just bought 4 hectares and changing from pigs to sheep and thought they could learn some from ya.
Have a great weekend