Il fait chaud encore, aucune nauges. Ici on dit que le méteo pendant le 16 Novembre prédire le méteo pour l'hiver suivant...alors 34 dégrées au soliel aujourd'hui...heuresment que j'ai fait du ski semaine dernière.
This morning I serviced the brakes on the tractor which have always seemed a bit dodgy. The brakes shoes on the first wheel were perfect but when I looked inside the second brake drum it was packed with grease!! Took a while to clean it all out but not surprisingly the brakes are fine now.
This morning I serviced the brakes on the tractor which have always seemed a bit dodgy. The brakes shoes on the first wheel were perfect but when I looked inside the second brake drum it was packed with grease!! Took a while to clean it all out but not surprisingly the brakes are fine now.
Ce matin j'ai entretenu les freins sur mon tracteur ils ont été tourjours maigre. Les machoires de frein sur le première roue etais bons, mais le deuxième etais plein avec de la graisse!! Difficile de nettoyer mais maintenant ça marche bien.
Then several other tractors turned up - the son of La Pancharde to cut the field in front of the house, M Larcher to cut the grass beside the house and then Le Suisse on his two wheel tractor with ride on trailer to cut down some trees for John.
Puis plusiers tracteurs ont arrivé - le fils de La Panchard afin tondre le pr´ devant chez moi, M Larcher afin tondre ta parcelle à côté de chez moi, et en fin Le Suisse sur ton tracteur de deux roues afin d'abattre les arbres de John.
In the afternoon, I fitted some doors to the barn and cut Mini's ingrowing horn. Then I washed the fleeces from the sheep shearing last spring - they'll need to be carded during the winter.
In the afternoon, I fitted some doors to the barn and cut Mini's ingrowing horn. Then I washed the fleeces from the sheep shearing last spring - they'll need to be carded during the winter.
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