mercredi 6 avril 2011

Cabane d'Eychelle

Etang d'Eychelle still frozen

The panorama from the Cabane
Cabane d'Eychelle
A quick trip upto the Cabane d'Eychelle today carrying firewood and some rations for an overnight trip with Susie, Jasper and Ruby next week (cache safely hidden away). It was snow shoes all the way and the wood weighed a tonne! Spent a couple of hours cleaning the Cabane which was filthy and took down a huge bag of rubbish, though another is still there awaiting removal (I could only carry one).
All neat and tidy...there's a fireplace too

We're in the middle of a heat wave here, glorious temperatures up in the 30's - spring has definitely sprung, feels like summer.

3 commentaires :

zaloette a dit…

Good morning Lee!

Is it a refuge? It's no doubt a great work you are doing, keeping it clean and tidy.

These african winds are roasting Spain, and I guess that the Foëhn effect must be melting away all snow in the Pyrénées.

Kind regards,


Lee Sharp a dit…

It's melting fast!

Alun a dit…

I am envious. Having been up there last summer I know what a state the cabane was in then but what a great location.
Have a great trip and looking forward to the photos.