dimanche 17 septembre 2023

Corsica - Part 3 Ile Rousse et Monte Tolu

Our next stay was in a tiny appartment in the village of Corbara. First day we headed to a beach at Ostriconi on the edge of the Desert des Agriates - not an actual desert but an area which became overfarmed at the end of the ninetenth century and has since become a protected natural park without roads or development.


The following day we visited the nearby hilltop villages of Pigna and Sant Antonino. We had a simple lunch at the very top of Sant Antonio with an amazing panoramic view and were circled the whole time by a red kite - which were by far the most common birds we saw on the island.

Sant Antonino

Our restaurant for lunch

Our next trip was across the Desert des Agriates to the little port of St Florent. It's often called the St Tropez of the island because of the wealthy celebrity yacht-borne visitors. It was pleasant but not really our thing so decided to head onto Bastia.

St Florent

Trying to find somewhere to park proved problematic but eventuallt we succeeded. Bastia is Corsica's main city and had quite different vibe with squares and pedestrianised streets. We explored the old port area, before heading for home and lovely meal out in Corbara.

On our last day in Corbara we headed into Ile Rousse to explore the town which we preferred to St Florent. In the afternoon I headed off to explore the villages beyond St Antonino - Cateri, Muro, Feliceto and Speloncato. I climbed in the car to the pass at Bocca di a Battaglia then made a quick walk over several tops to scramble up the Monte Tolu 1332m.

looking out over Speloncato from the start of the walk with the red Ile Rousse in the distance


The last section of the ridge

Monte Tolu

looking back along the ridge

The weather began to deteriorate so I made a swift return the car.

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