jeudi 6 juin 2024

Trois Seigneurs

After some rainy weeks summer has finally arrived with hot and humid weather.

Tristan and Agi were up for a walk, so Trois Seigneurs seemed like it would be a good introduction to this side of the Couserans. We went in the clockwise direction starting from the Port de Lers and the ridge before descending to the Etang d'Arbu.

Tristan and Agi's lurchers made easy work of the rocky sections and loved the snow...the youngest had never seen it before!

The weather behaved, with far reaching views.  The heat built throughout the day and it was good to cool off in the Etang.

Below the Etang the scotch broom was in full flower and vivid yellow and perfume were overpowering.

 It turned out to be a long, hot, but enjoyable day with some new walking companions.

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