mardi 15 octobre 2024

mercredi 9 octobre 2024

More progress and a sorry time for Bam-bam

It's been a tough few days getting the huge roof  beams down in the barn. I must have dismantled and re-erected the scaffolding fifty times and a combination of saws, crowbars, ropes and chainsaws have been called into action to cut them into pieces and then carefully lower them to the ground.  At 9m long some of them are ridiculously heavy even when cut into four or five pieces.

Next I have the balcony roof to get down whilst the dry(ish) weather holds.

Poor Bam-bam who somehow survived weeks of blue-tongue virus is lame and has been recovering from a huge abcess on his foot. It seemed to be getting better after treatment, but has returned again. Whilst treating him today I found abcesses on both his knees...the poor boy has been on anti-biotics and anti-inflammatories for months, his wool is falling out and he is thin as a rake. He may have to be euthanised as his immune system is completely shot. It's so sad seeing him suffering so terribly.


samedi 5 octobre 2024

Anna and Dan have been staying with us for the week and Dan helped me getting some of the heavier rafters down. I should be onto the beams soon.