mardi 12 février 2008

Field clearance again

Spent most of the day clearing a potential extension to field 1. I would like to purchase two parcels to the east of field 1 to make it into something useful. These are owned by my neighbour Patrick at Pinsou and Alain at Quelebu. Whilst negotiations continue over whether they will sell or lease or just let me use it in return for clearance works - I've made a start. Scythe, chainsaw and brushcutter were all brought into action to tackle the 25 years of brambles, acacias and other assorted undergrowth.
In the afternoon I met a guy from Oust, who I met last autumn - a painter and one time architect. He stayed for a drink, then the mayor passed by in his car with his neighbour and insisted we all go to Rogalls (the bar in Castet d'Aleu). It was interesting to hear the old guys talking - the mayor, his neighbour, the guy from Oust and Monsieur Rogall - about when they were young. Evidently the grandfather of the guy from Oust employed Monsieur Rogall as a young man, when he was charged with bringing 46 litres of milk from Aleu to the three fromageries in Oust (in fact back then there was also a fourth fromagerie which made only Camenbert). Today alas the fromageries are no more and there is no milk production in Aleu.

2 commentaires :

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour Lee,
J'espère que tu vas bien, et qu'il fait aussi beau chez toi que chez moi.
Je me demandais si tu vas élever de nouveau des cochons cette année ?
A bientôt

Lee Sharp a dit…

Bonsoir Evelyne

Cette annee je ne vais pas elever des cochons plutot des brebis! (Peut-etre des cochons encore l'annee prochaine). J'ai besoin des animaux qui font paitre pour ameliorer mon patorage.