lundi 13 septembre 2021

The great european tractor swindle

So after wasting over a month of my time the french division of Argo tractors who own Landini, Valpadana and McCormick, eventually got back to me and kicked their concessionaires up the arse. Another two weeks passed before the only concession who is allowed to sell me a tractor eventually confirmed that there weren't any tractors to sell me! Argo didn't have any stock. The tractor is due for revision in 2022 so they aren't going to acquire any more either...nor will they tell me what the price was when they did. Other farmers here tell me tractor prices in France are 30% more than in Italy, Spain, Poland or Denmark for example, which is why more and more people import. When an organisation is trying to keep the prices that they charge a closely guarded secret, you can be damned sure you're getting ripped off! Despite the so called free market in the EU, claiming back VAT for import/export transactions remains extremely difficult and most sellers are unaware of the VAT rules governing sales of new equipment for export...there's a risk of paying the VAT twice and not being able to reclaim it all. This area of uncertainty coupled with price secrecy, gives the distributors the ability to rip off the consumer. 

My current tractor was a bargain but remains a 'grey import', unregistered in France. Even for a small new tractor, a grey import can save 4000 euros and as I rarely drive on the public highway there is little incentive not to make my next tractor a grey import also.

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