mercredi 20 juillet 2022

Dog attack

On Sunday morning before our trip to the lake there was a lot of baaing from the sheep and when I got down to the field some of them had got out and were running up and down whilst the others still in the field were also distressed. I assumed that the lambs had slipped under the electric fence and couple of mums had followed. I let all the sheep out and moved them up to the field at the Pla d'Artigue. They were very keen to go and I assumed I had them all, but when we got back from the walk and counted we realised that one sheep "tiny dancer" a five year old male was missing. We spent a couple of days searching then finally I found him and he had been attacked and killed by a large dog (attacked from behind and then had his rear end mauled). From the state of the body, on that Sunday morning. We're pretty sure we know the dog that did it, as it attacked our hens a couple of days earlier and is staying in nearby accommodation, but we can only surmise without evidence. We contacted the owner to let him know we suspected his dog and to make sure it was controlled, if I see it in the field chasing our sheep and lambs I'll have no option but to shoot it.

"Tiny" allowing the lambs to clamber on him

1 commentaire :

Andy a dit…

I'm sorry to read about Tiny.