lundi 23 octobre 2023

Étangs de Picots

Sheri and Michel are back from the US, so we decided on another day in the mountains. Sandrine popped by and we persuaded her to join us on a trip east to the four étangs de Picots above the Lac de Souclem. The start of the walk is steep and a bit uninteresting until finally the granite massif extending from Pic Rouge de Bassies across to Pentussen and Pic Seron Comes into view.

Pointe Michel Sebastien

The granite massif around Pic Rouge de Bassies

Shortly after the first étang is reached. There was a dusting of snow on the peaks above 2400m and rather more on Montcalm and Pica d Estas which pass 3000m. The terrain between each lake is steep and rocky, but each one is bigger and more spectacular than the last. The wind was cold and it felt like the first autumn walk for a very long time. 

First lake

We stopped for lunch at the third lake, but decided afterwards to press on to the fourth lake which didn't disappoint. 

the third lake

the fourth lake

looking down on the third lake from the fourth

The weather was looking to deteriorate so we headed down at 2pm.

A little below the third lake at about 2260m we were descending through some large boulders when Sandrine slipped. To avoid falling she jumped but landed awkwardly. It was quickly evident she had injured her knee and could not put any weight on it. Self evacuation even with 5 us was not an option in this terrain so we had to call for help. In this steep valley there was no mobile coverage even for the 112 emergency number. Susie and Michiel stayed with Sandrine to keep her warm and in company, whilst Sheri and I descended in search of a mobile signal. Eventually I decided to go ahead being the quickest and after about 1000ft of descent caught up with a group, one of whom managed to get a signal (not sure if it was the phone or the provider but no one else had a signal at all). We called 112 and after about 15mins of interrogation had arranged for an airlift. Sheri descended to the car with my keys, whilst I reascended to Sandrine. The mountain rescue PGHM weren't sure how long the helicopter would take, so I sent Michiel and Susie down to join Sheri before it got dark and told them to drive to somewhere with a phone signal and await further instructions. 

I waited patiently for the helicopter. After about 40 mins it arrived and clad in a red top I made the Y sign (for yes) with both arms raised until they saw me and approached. They then dropped two medics on a nearby bluff before returning to drop a rescue gendarme to us on a winch. He unclipped and the helicopter retreated whilst he checked Sandrine over and decided weather she could be put in a harness or needed a stretcher. He put an inflatable splint on her leg and put her in the harness. The helicopter returned and I retreated to film her departure. 5 mins later she was in the hospital at Pamiers being checked over. She had broken the top of her tibia. She called Susie from the hospital to let her and the rest of the gang waiting in the car know that I was on my way down and by 6.15 we were all back in the car and heading home.

 Sandrine's evacution

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