mercredi 14 novembre 2007

Barn storming

Today it has rained and hailed for most of the day, tonight and tomorrow morning some snow is forecast here (it's down to about 1000m already), but then we have another good weather window which should hopefully be long enough to allow the thatchers to finish the roofs - provided we have enough reed!
Have laid about 40m of hedge so far, about 35-40% of the total, but it's delivered about 4 weeks worth of firewood (for 2010) so hopefully by the time I've finished I'll have completed the years wood collecting.

The house is warm and there's a roast chicken in the rayburn.

2 commentaires :

Anonyme a dit…

Bonjour Lee,
Mais dis-moi que vont devenir tes animaux cet hiver ? Tu vas tous les mettre en boite de conserve ?????

Lee Sharp a dit…

J'attends pour une extension de reseau d'electricite a la grange avant les cochons sont tue, parce je vais avoir besoin un grand congelateur! Les poules vivaient.