lundi 5 novembre 2007

Roof progress

Thatch progressing a pace and house getting warmer

8 commentaires :

Anonyme a dit…

Superbe Lee,
Beau travail cela valait la peine de patienter.

Philippe & Sophie

Lee Sharp a dit…


Vaporlock a dit…

Hi Lee, I suppose the house will resemble a swedish sweat house once the thatch is up and the rayburn fired up? Insulation just has to be better than slate.


Anonyme a dit…

Can you post more pics of how the thatching works in different stages? Never seen it done before. thanks

Lee Sharp a dit…

I'm away for a few days but will try to capture all the stages on the barn roof next week.
I can send you 'The thatchers craft' in pdf format which is an excellent manual for all forms of thatch but you'll need to give me your e-mail address.

Anonyme a dit…

My e-mail is Thanks. Chip

Lee Sharp a dit…

Tried to send you document, some sections have bounced back - perhaps the files are too large. The book is available for free download here:

Anonyme a dit…

Thank you. Got the book from the website link. I have a become interested in older building techniques since visiting the Hebrides and seeing the old thatch cottages. You never see stuff like that here in USA. Thanks again, Chip