mardi 25 juillet 2006

General Stuff

Now upto 6 loire there any end? The roof space over the dormer seems particularly popular at night and there's definitely one more still up there up there (7?). So I opened it up today and found...a complete leather horses bridal/reins! Did the loires drag it there? It weighs a few kilos so maybe a team effort was required. Or did someone build it into the roofspace? Either way given the loires penchant for leather (kinky?) - they ate my glacier glasses leather side shields when I first moved in - I'm hoping that now thats gone that they leave me in peace...hmmm fat chance.

Yesterday I explored some more of my immediate area walking into the next valley with surprising views towards Massat and Les Trois Seigners - got caught in a thunderstorm on the way back in only my shorts and vest, but it was refreshing and I soon dried off.

Have started building the last terrace (see photo). The firewood pile (inadeqauate for the winter by the look of everyone elses) was moved to be behind the house to make way. Some excavation beside the lean-to uncovered a proper storm water drainage system which like the one to the main house had been abandoned by the previous owner in favour of flower beds! Everything is now connected to soak away or septic tank.

Philippe my neighbour gave me his old pages jaune, which is really useful as it has maps of all the towns and of course all the essential where to find stuff! Off to UK again on Thursday and Phillipe and Celine are also off to a Salsa festival in Gers.

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