samedi 19 décembre 2009


Getting colder and colder here, -8 already today.
il fait de plus en plus froid, -8 deja aujourd'hui.

Last night I headed over to Donna's in Tarascon for dinner via Justin and Emily's. Crossing the Col de Port at 2.00am in the 'artic' conditions was exciting but we took it slow and steady and it passed without a problem. Earlier in the evening we passed quite a few people trying to cross without a 4x4 or chains...they didn't make it.

Nuit dernier je suis parti à chez Donna dans Tarascon vers chez Justin et Emily. Traversant le col du Port à 2 heures du matin dans les conditiones "artique" etais impressionante mais nous avons avancé lentement sans problems. Plus tôt nous avons passé les types qui ont essayé de traversé le col sans 4x4 ou chaines...ils n'ont' pas reussi.

Ian's new chainsaw has arrived and he was eager to fell an apple tree a neighbour had offered him for his woodturning - despite the subzero temperatures and snow. So this afternoon I went over to give him some chainsaw instruction and a crash course in tree felling. As it happened, the apple tree was a difficult proposition - old, slightly rotten, multi-stemmed and with a very uneven canopy, so I felled it. Ian got his practical experience de-limbing.

La tronçonneuse de Ian est arrivé et il a eu l'envie d'abbattre un pommier pour son tournant de bois, malgre le temps moins zero et la neige. Donc, cette apres midi je suis arrivé de lui donner un leçon. Le pommier etais un proposition difficile - vieux, pourrais, avec plusiers troncs, donc je l'ai abbattu.

3 commentaires :

King Noc a dit…

"getting colder" is not "les temps descendent" but "il fait de plus en plus froid" "le temps" is "the weather" but "les temps" is "times" such as "les temps sont difficiles" "times are hard" thanks for the blog and the photos!

Lee Sharp a dit…
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Lee Sharp a dit…

Thanks, I think I've been making that error a lot.